Live without .... expectations by romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Live without .... expectations by romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Blog Article

 I believe it is quite important to stop having expectations from the people from our lives.

Because ... honestly speaking ... first of all is ... useless.

It's a waste of ... energy.

It's naivety ... in its absolute form.

I've lived having lots ... lots of expectations ... but experiencing life ... the passing of time made me realise that it's better to disconnect from illusory habit.

So .... I've done it.

... becoming detached.

Expecting as anything to happen ... but ...

And ... guess what?!

Life became better.

... much better.

I was not experiencing anymore ... any kind of pain.

... no negative emotions.

All my frustrations ... suddenly disappeared ... cause i've realised that i don't need to get rid of frustrations ... neither of what generated them ... but of those illusory thoughts of expecting anything from anyone.

Somehow ... I've disconnected from them.

... all of them.


I knew there is a probability as something good ... or bad to happen .... but i've started to treat all as normality.

As ... a normal process of life.

And ... if i really wanted to have expectations ... i should actually have expectations .... from myself.

Only ... from myself.

Firstly ... to be a better actor on the stage of life.

Try to be ... that character ... which before getting rid of my expectations ... i was expecting from the others to be.

Be a better ... human.

Act nicely with everyone.

Act ... in fact ... as a person which is under the dominance of the real values of life.

But .... it was a long journey.

Unfortunately ... too long.

Today ... i am happy i can live without expectations ... or at least with not so, so many expectations .... as i've used to have.

So ... maybe all of us ... should try that ... at least as an experiment ...



Download the book ”DISCONNECTING

... seen as un amazing trick for a beautiful life

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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